Friday, February 21, 2014

Social Media And The Death Of Privacy

As humans we have a seemingly strong desire to broaden our communications and improve it as much as we can. This can occasionally lead to some trade-offs as we try to change how we go about interacting with people on a day to day basis. The more we try to improve our methods of communication the more we seem to distance ourselves from everyone else; it seems the more people we 'get to know' the fewer people we actually know. This can cause a rift in our understanding of certain issues that may not seem harmful at all to talk about in a public setting but in reality can be devastating for another person. It may seem like a good idea to give attention to a problem that you believe is going on that no one is doing anything about, but what are the side effects that can arise from this? Considering the "When Rape Goes Viral" article, it may have seemed like a good idea to shed some light on what was actually going on and getting help for anyone that was afflicted but by doing so the incident is made public causing some unwanted attention for those involved. The privacy that the girl once had had been extinguished as her life had now been publicized in an attempt to 'rescue' her; sure there may be some justice finally involved on the wrongdoers side but perhaps she just wanted to forget about the incident and not have everyone know about what happened to her, she may now have difficulty even having a conversation with someone thinking that perhaps they know what happened to her. This would cause some unwarranted stress in someone's life that they did not need to have, and it's all thanks to the wonders of social media.

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