Friday, February 21, 2014

I Have Everything To Hide

Most people are unaware of what truly goes on behind the scenes when information is being placed on the internet, or even just on a computer. Once you hit that enter button you allow any data that you may have submitted to be forever placed on the web; this could eventually end up being seen by eyes that have no place looking at your information. Online privacy is a prevalent issue in our current society because millions of users are submitting personal information everyday without understanding what they are actually doing with it. People may claim that this issue is of no importance to them because they have nothing to hide, but once they start to realize exactly how much information someone can get on you just by spending enough time and using the right tools that tune may change. You may claim to have nothing to hide but would you really want almost everything to made publicly available? There may even be a point in time where you will want to hide some of your information but will be unable to because it had already been in the system for far too long. At this point there's no turning back and your personal information can be used in any fashion that someone may desire. I personally am concerned with online privacy, which is why I normally abstain from most social medias, because I cannot predict the future and am unsure as to what may happen one day with this sea of personal information.

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